Author Topic: Hip joint pain after squats  (Read 18469 times)

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Hip joint pain after squats
« on: November 21, 2015, 04:31:26 pm »
Anyone ever had any issues with this.?  Summed up in bb post below. Sucks. Going to try doing higher squats and BSS along with mobility work...


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Re: Hip joint pain after squats
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2015, 06:03:10 pm »
I have that. I don't know the cause of it, maybe just the way I'm built combined to how wide (or not) I have my stance when I squat.

Wider stance? Hip pain. Narrower stance? Knee pain.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: Hip joint pain after squats
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2015, 11:07:20 pm »
Anyone ever had any issues with this.?  Summed up in bb post below. Sucks. Going to try doing higher squats and BSS along with mobility work...

I have hip pain now, which is similar to long ago when I injured my hip deep squatting. It was very scary back then when I injured it, almost feels like my hip is arthritic. Could very well be that "Trochanteric Bursitis" but who knows, never got it officially diagnosed. After a while I had to switch up my training. I decided to stop going deep completely, only half squats from then on.. slowly (over a long period of time) it got better even as I kept training.

I re-injured it ~1.5-2 months ago literally lying on the couch with my legs "somewhat indian style". Crap has been bothering me ever since, but not when I run or play tennis (only a few times when playing tennis which was scary, but that stopped). It hurts mostly when i'm relaxed, "activities of daily living" (such as getting in and out of the car) where I just start feeling it as my femur moves around.

It's annoying & somewhat scary.. Other than seeing a doc, I really have no advice except; do not aggravate it under load. I've tried all kinds of stretches, mobility exercises, strengthening  exercises, foam rolling, tennis ball etc .. it's improving at a snails pace. If I rested completely it might improve faster, but as long as it isn't bothering me during my training i'm taking my chances for now.

what's left to try:
- icing

dno, sounds similar. That's my experience with it.



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Re: Hip joint pain after squats
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2015, 01:35:38 am »
adarq yea mine sounds similar then.  has it ever bothered during split squats? or jumping?
-going to switch to half squats, only a few inches above my current squat depth i believe. 


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Re: Hip joint pain after squats
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2015, 09:00:45 am »
adarq yea mine sounds similar then.  has it ever bothered during split squats? or jumping?

jumping = yes, mostly around the time that i'm aggravating it with something like deep squatting. When I cut out things that aggravate it, it starts to disappear from bothering me in actual sport actions and instead bothers me when i'm doing extremely low intensity stuff. very weird. I forget if it's bothered me during split squats; i imagine it has - under load. Unloaded split squats currently feel pretty good.

Oh, one place it did bother me (more consistently) when jumping was in SLRVJ when driving my off-leg knee up.

Stuff like this hits it pretty good, but doesn't help too much:

right leg:

left leg:

right leg:

right leg:

This is basically how I re-injured it.. so pathetic.. ankles on top of each other though and torso angled up a bit, on the couch:

-going to switch to half squats, only a few inches above my current squat depth i believe.

nice.. warmup extra good though. Hopefully that depth feels pain free.



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Re: Hip joint pain after squats
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2015, 10:27:44 am »
Looking up anterior femoral glide and hip impingement.

Stretch your hip flexors (if it hurts hold off for a while) activate your glutes. Try breaking knees and hips at the same time rather than sitting back excessively. Look up kelly starters stuff on clearing hip impingement with banded distraction + external rotation type stretches adarq posted are helpful too.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

The banded distraction stuff really works a treat if it is some kind of impingement you're getting
« Last Edit: November 24, 2015, 06:41:18 am by adarqui »


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Re: Hip joint pain after squats
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2015, 12:18:18 pm »
thanks ill try the band workout

another theory

BTW...this is in the Starting Strength book:

"A different problem often encountered in more advanced trainees is the tendency to let the knees slide forward at the bottom. It is usually a problem developed over time, and is a rather embedded movement pattern that can be hard to fix if you let it go uncorrected too long. If your knees move forward at the bottom of the squat, you have relaxed your hamstrings, because hamstrings pull the knee back. They insert on the tibia and provide posterior tension, which should increase with the depth of the squat as the other attachment point on the pelvis tilts away. If this tension is insufficient to keep the knees from sliding forward as the bottom of the squat is approached, something is wrong. And when knees move forward at the bottom, tension is put on the hip flexors as they insert on the ASIS, the anterior superior iliac spine, or point of the hip. The muscles in question - the rectus femoris, the sartorius, and the tensor fascia latae - cross both the hip and the knee joints, and therefore produce movement around both joints (fig. 2-49). In the squat, their knee extensor function (the distal function) is our concern, since active hip flexion does not occur. At the bottom of the squat, these muscles act with the other knee extensors in the quadriceps group to straighten the knee. All the muscles in the group are under tension, but only the three hip flexors cross the hip to attach at the ASIS. Now, if at the bottom of the squat the knee should be allowed to move forward, tension is increased on these muscles and their attachment at the hip as the knee angle becomes more acute (fig. 2-50). The ASIS is pulled on very hard by these muscles at their attachment, and a marvelous dose of the weirdest tendinitis you have ever seen can be the result. This condition is thankfully rare, and some people squat this way for years without trouble, but if it develops it takes many weeks to heal


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Re: Hip joint pain after squats
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2015, 03:03:54 am »
gukl tried those ban exercises worked GREAt wow and did some adductor work.  feeling somewhat better already  :headbang:

good stuff.  also squatted above parallel. 


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Re: Hip joint pain after squats
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2015, 04:41:16 am »
awesome!! they do seem to be a rather instant fix which i love. I used to do them before each squatting session, and along with stretching adductors/hip flexors/ext rotators/ankles they gave me back the ability to squat deep! + glute activation stuff and now i never need to do the band stuff and have had no problems for a while!

it does seem to be a really common problem with squatting but there is a huge lack of information about it out there - researching it pre kelly starret brought up nearly nothing or perhaps one eric cressey article on anterior femoral glide but didn't really help much. Now these banded distractions are everywhere and they really do work.

just make sure the band doesn't snap, i once wound up quite a lot of tension only for the band to snap and leave me with a heavily bruised butt.