During the Track training, we did 500m endurance runs as well as endurance stair runs and was told if i was wearing the right shoes, which they said that they were hiking boots.
This is the shoe i was wearing during the training on the track.
and i think because of this, there is bone beneath the knee cap, three inches down and on the left side of my left leg, a bone that is sticking out, that is quite sore and also the area under my ankle near the heal is sore as well.
Will ice it. I only have two more, which i don't think is good for running because they are for different uses.
Donnay trainer (doesn't look like a trainer)
Nike Air Basketball Trainer (for basketball)
Off Topic: Has anyone used the above trainers when basketball, were they able jump high with these
on Topic: So which shoes would be the next best thing instead of the hiking boots to wear for my track training, which would involve endurance training atm.