I've never tried that Kingfish, I feel like a pussy now, because I roll my quads with a lacrosse ball. SMR work on the quads definitely helps with the pulling on the knee.
The Kelly B. article looks good too, it really helps to improve pelvic posture, and stretch the rectus femoris when your knees are fucked up. I'm assuming it's real jumper's knee, because you squat 400+ lbs.
When you do SMR on the quad, you should also try some "tack and stretch" meaning you enter flexion and extension while SMRing. You "tack" down the tissue using your implement, and then you flex the knee, to stretch the quad while it's pinned down. You should focus mostly on the suprapatellar pouch. It's very effective, almost like ART.
If that doesn't work you can also do some compression wrapping. Basically you just take a single band(a strip, not an actual loop) and wrap it around your quad tightly(to the point where it almost feels numb), right above the knee, around the supra-patellar pouch. Then you can proceed to do bodyweight squats, and other movements. This is similar to the tack and stretch, albeit more effective. You can even combine this compression wrapping with a Rectus Femoris stretch, to really get at that quad.
Don't be afraid to do extra hip mobility in your free time, and soft tissue work. Really try to get aggressive with that stuff.
Oh yeah, if you don't have a band you can cut in half to make a strip, you can order them on jumpstretch.com, look for "PT strength strips." If you're cheap like me you can buy a bike innertube tire, cut the stem off, and cut the thing in half, so you get strips as well.