Author Topic: Bruised Lower Back  (Read 10531 times)

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Bruised Lower Back
« on: September 11, 2011, 09:33:21 pm »
Long story short: cliff diving in West Virginia, hit the water in an awkward position, bruised lower back/ tailbone. Hurt for first few days, saw doctor, she said ice, decompress, and stretch. I did that. now its 2 weeks later and it doesn't hurt very much at all now. I just have no lower back flexibility anymore, tight inflexible hamstrings, and whenever I jump, I can't produce power at all from my lower back and my jumping sucks. It also hurts to pick objects up. Please give advice for rehabilitating and getting back my lower back strength and flexibility. Thank you.
Goals for November 1st, 2011:

SVJ: 26 inches
SLRVJ: 30 inches
DLRVJ: 32 inches
Back Squat: 275 lbs.
Weight: 170 lbs.
BF%: 6%