Author Topic: anyone taken muscle relaxant?!  (Read 4497 times)

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anyone taken muscle relaxant?!
« on: April 27, 2011, 10:46:47 am »
i have been dealing with muscle stiffness for several months now.  it is concentrated in the lower rear right part of my torso.  basically lower right back, and deep with in the right butt cheek.  when it gets really stiff it is pretty darn painful.   on scale of 1-10 i'd give it a 7-7.5.  quite bothersome...

i've been foam rolling, yoga stretching, hot tubbing (natural hot spring) a bit.  the best relieve comes from getting visiting a well trained chiropractor who uses heat, vibration, ultrasonic, electronic stimulation, as well as several massage techniques to treat it.  on a good day he can dramatically reduce the pain level to nearly zero.  but, it tends to come back after 2-3 days.  :-(  this has been cycling back and forth for few months now and it's pretty bad in the last 2 month or so i haven't hit the gym because of it.

i'm just getting tired of it and some have suggested going to a Western doctor and getting some muscle relaxant.  reading about the side effects and warning is scary though...  i'm not sure i should even bother with it.  any first hand experience??  there's a 40 something years old local pharmacist that swears by the stuff.  says it takes all his muscle pains away with out any notable side effects.
current stats: age: 42 :: 5'11" (180cm) :: 180lbs (82kg) bf ~30% :: reach: 90" or 7'6" (230cm) :: wing span: 6" (183cm)
12 week goal(current): SQ 115kg(100), DL 130kg(110), BP 80kg(70), reduce weight to 75kg (165 lbs) and bf to ~25%
status: excellent cardio condition, new 5x5 program, 10' rim touch okay, RVJ ~30"
PR RVJ ~34" 10'5" touch @ age ~25 (worst was ~6" below rim when i was @ 190 lbs ~35% body fat ~23" RVJ in 2007-8