Basically everyone involved in athletic activities has ankle problems at i thought a thread containing everything ankles - prevention, rehab everything would be good/helpful (sure would be helpful for me, often find myself searching multiple threads/places on the internet so would be good to have it all in one place...
im sure on this site there are a lot of people with a lot of experience/knowledge of ankles and the problems they cause people so lets group all that information together for a community of athletes with indestructible ankles!
-how to treat sprained ankles? rice etc...
-how to prevent future ankle problems stengthening, mobility, proprioception(i think this is the most under used disregarded aspect of rehab for ankles......WOBBLE BOARDS FTW.
-footwear + restricition
one thing theres a lot of confliciting advice about is the use of braces/tape and high tops.....i used to agree with all the people against high tops and ankle restriction in the form of braces...until i dislocated my ankle wearing kobe ivs (low tops) and no i never play competitive basketball without my braces....but today i rolled my ankle while in a obviously it doesnt remove the problem? i think a big problem is the lift from bball shoes due to the cushioning systems....if someone could explain why this is bad compared to real low shoes nike frees and the like......but really for basketball there is no way around this is there?
please all you people with tons of knowledge on ankles shove it all into this thread so we can all have a great resource to go to when we inevitably experience ankle problems...because a lot can be done for prevention rehab and i dont think a lot of people know this....i see people sprain there ankle 10 times a year and return to play 3 days later everytime with no rehab...not the way to go.