I just mentioned under my make-shift journal (under the graveyards and quitters), that I'm going to be looking into and trying a more "homeopathic" route for my ankle since its going to be quite some time before I get to meet with a specialist (work schedule and insurance plan). I was talking with a massage therapist at 1 of the gyms, and I was asking his opinion, and he told me use iodine (apparently there's 2 kinds/colors) and make a "weave" using Q-Tips (of the iodine's if its not implied) over the ankle over the tendons and ligaments around the area affected. Do that and also he mentioned taking fish oil, and I on my own started taking some glucosamine, and I'm also going to start trying contrast baths for my ankle (going from hot to ice cold), just to see what happens, because I figure I can't make it any worse, so maybe this will help it a little bit.