The problems with the hangtime calculators are two:
One is the liftoff. when is that? when heels rise? at toes off? in the middle? where is the COG at this point? That was analyzed in the thread acole is referring to : second one is the jump angle. It induces a cosinus coefficient, the same hangtime for a totally vertical and a 20 degrees jump will have ~10% vert difference.
A very accurate vert device like this one in this thread would be nice. But again, as noted already in other threads, there are other things affecting highest touch, like overstretching, torso angle, bla bla bla. So again, not good, you can land a better dunk or touch a higher object with a lower COM vert displacement if the other factors are far better. Highest touch is the actual sport we compete. if you could train yourself to dislocate your shoulder gaining 5'' it would be more useful than adding 4'' through 3 years of squatting. Of course we can have both, but what i am trying to say is that maybe those somehow correlate, we want to find the best balance that gets our hand higher, and that is what we should be tracking.
Finally, a little contradiction finisher, i am also with acole here, nothing bad with tracking everything if money is not an issue. Ok, focus is highest touch, but why not have two or more curves at the same tracking graph? Heels vert, COM vert, head vert, stretched out handtip vert. Make sure to share that graph too