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Vert wearable device
« on: September 07, 2016, 11:45:45 am »

VERT Wearable Jump Monitor with Jump Rate is a device worn near the waist of an athlete either by the VERTclip (for combines and quick testing) or integrated within an article of clothing such as the VERTbelt (for practice and games).

anyone used one? how accurate? wud be interesting to see the results compared against a known reliable method (Vertec) ..

i wouldnt mind hacking up something similar if it's reliable with older phones lying around
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Re: Vert wearable device
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2016, 01:12:40 pm »
i was actually looking for this specifically (*i think*) .. saw it on some show on espn.

nice thanks!

I plan to eventually get something like this and play with it.. surprised none of us dabble in these vert devices (yet).


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Re: Vert wearable device
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2016, 08:05:22 pm »
That's surprisingly reasonably priced if it's quality and gives accurate measurements.
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Re: Vert wearable device
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2016, 10:07:01 pm »
To be honest i dont know if they have any special sauce which you can't get with any device with an accelerometer. eg go on aliexpress and you can pick up a chip with bluetooth 4.0, accelerometer etc for $1/each. There's also more 'established' alternatives with sensor devices like the Metawear R for around $38 usd. Im tempted to get a few units off aliexpress and play with them. The vert linked above seems to be IOS only .. and it seems way overpriced to me for what it does.

I really do like the idea of exploring putting an accelerometer on your COM to get true vertical instead of stretchy/tippy toey/ vertical but i do have some doubts. for one how do you find ones COM accurately? does it even matter? And finally .. how does it compare to say video. Did anyone work out a good way to get accurate vertical off video? using COM i guess
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Re: Vert wearable device
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2016, 05:23:38 am »
I really do like the idea of exploring putting an accelerometer on your COM to get true vertical instead of stretchy/tippy toey/ vertical but i do have some doubts. for one how do you find ones COM accurately? does it even matter? And finally .. how does it compare to say video. Did anyone work out a good way to get accurate vertical off video? using COM i guess

Exactly, there's error associated with every method. Counting frames on video is also inaccurate (there used to be a good post by vag about the hangtime calculator for example but I can't find it). I've said it 1000X, the best and cheapest way is [highest touch-standing reach or head height]. You can measure your reach or height very accurately and indoor basketball rings are pretty standard (and you can measure them as well if there's doubt). Then just frame the jump video well enough and you're going to be very accurate. If you have money to burn go for it but I'd spend the money on better shoes, protein, bands....


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Re: Vert wearable device
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2016, 05:09:36 am »
The problems with the hangtime calculators are two:
One is the liftoff. when is that? when heels rise? at toes off? in the middle? where is the COG at this point? That was analyzed in the thread acole is referring to :
The second one is the jump angle. It induces a cosinus coefficient, the same hangtime for a totally vertical and a 20 degrees jump will have ~10% vert difference.

A very accurate vert device like this one in this thread would be nice. But again, as noted already in other threads, there are other things affecting highest touch, like overstretching, torso angle, bla bla bla. So again, not good, you can land a better dunk or touch a higher object with a lower COM vert displacement if the other factors are far better. Highest touch is the actual sport we compete. if you could train yourself to dislocate your shoulder gaining 5'' it would be more useful than adding 4'' through 3 years of squatting. Of course we can have both, but what i am trying to say is that maybe those somehow correlate, we want to find the best balance that gets our hand higher, and that is what we should be tracking.

Finally, a little contradiction finisher, i am also with acole here, nothing bad with tracking everything if money is not an issue. Ok, focus is highest touch, but why not have two or more curves at the same tracking graph? Heels vert, COM vert, head vert, stretched out handtip vert. Make sure to share that graph too ;)

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Easy run : 5:48
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Re: Vert wearable device
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2016, 07:14:21 am »
Yeah. there is a diff btw measuring vert for a study and as a training tool. I agree a training tool which helps you unlock your own natural athleticism like tryna reach up and touch a faraway point is better than doing a jump then looking at your phone to get a reading. The former will prob let you train harder and jump higher as a training tool whereas the latter won't b/c the feedback isn't as real-time or tangible.

I am imagining a device you can put either on the rim or along the backboard which serves as a makeshift vertec. A rim works fine if you're 5 foot something and have to jump 30" to reach the rim but if you are like me and need to jump 22" to touch the rim then rim doesn't really work as a target. Gna try invent something lol
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Re: Vert wearable device
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2016, 09:02:13 am »
hit your wrist or forearm on the rim. measure from your fingertips to the point where you hit your wrist. the nerves in your arm are sensitive enough to know whether you hit 10" from the top or 11". problem solved.
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Re: Vert wearable device
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2016, 09:31:04 am »
^nah, it's fine a couple of inches below the wrist but beyond that it's not easy to tell or gauge progress .. plus no one wants to jump up and touch a target with their forearm, that's dumb.
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Re: Vert wearable device
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2016, 09:31:23 am »
^nah, it's fine a couple of inches below the wrist but beyond that it's not easy to tell or gauge progress .. plus no one wants to jump up and touch a target with their forearm, that's dumb.

lol check your journal.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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