Author Topic: Stuff that helps or hurts your quality of sleep  (Read 20656 times)

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Stuff that helps or hurts your quality of sleep
« on: September 30, 2017, 05:54:16 am »
So just a thread for stuff that helps or hurts your ability to fall asleep, have a good sleep, etc.


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Re: Stuff that helps or hurts your quality of sleep
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2017, 06:16:28 am »
Obviously, falling asleep & waking up around the same time each day/night is important. These are just some other things.

Here's a few things i've noticed recently:

Stuff that hurts my quality of sleep:

- Lots of bananas at night before bed seems to be a very bad idea. Both times i've eaten 6 bananas before bed, i've had lots of trouble falling asleep & staying asleep.

- Keeping my phone turned on, instead of putting it into airplane mode. This is a weird one.. But, i've been putting my phone into airplane mode before bed for like 8 months now, and literally every time I forget to do it or think I do it & somehow mess up, my sleep suffers - usually waking up alot or having that awake but really sleeping feeling. At this point, I don't see how it could be placebo.

- Trying to fall asleep while being hungry, another no brainer.

- On the other end of the spectrum, too much food can wreck me, specifically that rice/beans overdose the other night. Just made my stomach bubble up so much that I couldn't pass out.

- Too many liquids or not enough salt in diet, causing you to go to the bathroom one million times, is a nightmare.

- If my one of my dogs can't sleep, I can't either. lmfao.

Stuff that helps my quality of sleep:

- Getting off the computer an hour before (no brainer).

- Light static stretching before bed in barely any lighting. This has been a good move, helps me stay consistent with stretching, and also helps me get into sleep mode.

- If i'm having a hard time falling asleep, I can go get a glass of milk and that often helps.

- In the past: zinc + magnesium seemed to help, definitely intensified my dreams too for a while.

- A hot shower ~60 minutes before bed, and also before stretching, seems to help.

- Ear plugs + eye mask is effective, but you are less aware of what's going on, hehe.

If anyone else has some stuff, feel free to post :D



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Re: Stuff that helps or hurts your quality of sleep
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2019, 01:54:12 pm »
Got a bunch of do/don't, some will overlap with yours but I'm too lazy to keep cross referencing haha

-caffeine free herbal teas, primarily chamomile/valerian root/lemon balm
-avoiding caffeine (for whatever time frame works for you, we all metabolise it differently)
-l theanine
-melatonin (I believe its OTC in the US?)
-5 htp/tryptophan
-carbs before bed (reasonable amount)
-limit fluids before bed else youll wake up to pee
-in winter in north/South latitudes morning Sad lamp/sun exposure
-blackout at bed, curtains, mask, blue light filter glasses, avoid screens or at least use a filter app like flux
-cool bedroom, comfortable bed/bedding
-bedroom only for sleep/sex
-don't train too late
-stretching/massage/foam rolling etc before bed
-ashwagandha (I love this supplement)
-phenibut (pharmaceutical and addictive but best sleep EVER)
-meditation anytime, learn to shush your mind
-gen relaxation, take a stroll, read a book whatever floats your boat
-some form of orgasm prior to sleep lol
-lots of protein seems to make me pee at night, clearing urea from your system maybe
-CBD helps me but some say it it hinders

Also if you have a night of insomnia refer to the super old post by Andrew titled 'can't sleep, who cares, go get it) lol
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 04:44:08 pm by gukl »


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Re: Stuff that helps or hurts your quality of sleep
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2019, 09:55:14 pm »
Got a bunch of do/don't, some will overlap with yours but I'm too lazy to keep cross referencing haha

-caffeine free herbal teas, primarily chamomile/valerian root/lemon balm
-avoiding caffeine (for whatever time frame works for you, we all metabolise it differently)
-l theanine
-melatonin (I believe its OTC in the US?)
-5 htp/tryptophan
-carbs before bed (reasonable amount)
-limit fluids before bed else youll wake up to pee
-in winter in north/South latitudes morning Sad lamp/sun exposure
-blackout at bed, curtains, mask, blue light filter glasses, avoid screens or at least use a filter app like flux
-cool bedroom, comfortable bed/bedding
-bedroom only for sleep/sex
-don't train too late
-stretching/massage/foam rolling etc before bed
-ashwagandha (I love this supplement)
-phenibut (pharmaceutical and addictive but best sleep EVER)
-meditation anytime, learn to shush your mind
-gen relaxation, take a stroll, read a book whatever floats your boat
-some form of orgasm prior to sleep lol
-lots of protein seems to make me pee at night, clearing urea from your system maybe
-CBD helps me but some say it it hinders


training too hard close to sleep wrecks me. so i try to make sure those are just light runs.

ie, if i have an evening race.. takes me until like 2-3 AM to sleep.. just way too much adrenaline. really wrecks my sleep schedule. have to get better with that.

about 30-60 min before: turning the tv off, trying to get off the laptop, and turning off most lights etc - really helps for me.

Also if you have a night of insomnia refer to the super old post by Andrew titled 'can't sleep, who cares, go get it) lol

hah. i always forget about that article. most races i do, are lack of sleep: 5.x-6.x hours. really sucks but, still perform decent. would love to get back to getting 8 hours before races.

one technique is to sleep in 2 days prior, then make sure 1 day prior doesn't have much activity at all. this way, you fail to get enough sleep but, don't require as much soo.. evens out a bit.