Interesting... smolov jr is definitely more wavy in terms of the est 1RMs. The est 1RM is nearly always higher (only exception is in week 1) during the next workout of the same week. With the start of the next week, the 1RM lowers to a level just a bit higher than the Monday before it, then gradually rises to a Saturday higher than before. The process repeats.
With Smolov base mesocycle, it seems that there really isn't much wave loading. After week one, the 1RM shoots up on the Monday workout, then lowers to a steady level for the rest of the week. The process repeats. In other words, there's a big difference between a Saturday workout to the next Monday workout, but then the 1RM lowers and stays pretty steady (to a level a bit higher than last week's steady 1RM) for the next Wed/Fri/Sat workouts. Then it shoots up again. If the base mesocycle were longer than 3 weeks, we'd be able to see this pattern better but that's all the program calls for.
IMO, the wave loading of the smolov jr is one reason why I've been able to handle it for so long. That, and the fact that the first few weeks of my gains were actually re-gains that I lost a while ago. Slowly, however, smolov jr is catching up to me and the saturday workouts feel a bit harder than last Saturday's (and the same with the other respective days).