screw it, i want to type some of it now get responses
important things to note before the values. One i ate right before the blood test, like 5 min. before the test i ate. Also, this was on day 10 of the flying in four program, so i was taking the creatine 5 g after workout, and also taking the brown rice protein, as well as eating a lot in order to put on weight. I'll try to put all the vallues not in range with a different color. I don't knkow how the meal before affected the test, i think it raised the glucose, which is why it was probably that high, don't know how it affected any of the other values.
test name in range ref. range units
TSH, 3rd generation 1.00 .4-4.5 mIU/L
test name
comp. metabolic panel
glucose 146H 65-139 mg/dL
sodium 140 135-146 mmol/l
potassium 4.1 3.5-5.3 mmol/l
chloride 104 98-110 mmol/l
carbon dioxide 22 21-33 mmol/l
urea nitrogen 22 7-25 mg/dl
creatinine 1.07 .8-1.3 mg/dl
bun/creatine ratio NOTE 6-22
bun/creatinine ratio is not reported when Bun and Creatinine values are within normal limits
calcium 9.3 8.6-10.2 mg/dl
protein, total 7.2 6.2-8.3 g/dl
albumin 4.6 3.6-5.1 g/dl
globulin, calculated 2.6 2.1-3.7 g/dl
A/G ratio 1.8 1.0-2.1
bilirubin, total .8 .2-1.2 mg/dl
alkaline phosphatase 65 40-115 u/l
AST 21 10-40 U/l
ALT 17 9-60 U/l
EGFR NOn AFR American greater than 60 greater than or equal to 60
units ml/min/1.73 m squared
EGFR African American greater than 60 greater than or equal to 60
units: ml/min/1.73 m squared
test name
42A-CBC, Platelet; differential
WBC 6.2 3.8-10.8 thous/mcL
morphological review see note
moderate microcytosis
moderate anisocytosis
slight elliptocytes
RBC 6.42H 4.2-5.8 mill/mcL
Platelet estimate decreased adequate
hemoglobin 12.6L 13.2-17.1 g/dl
hematocrit 39.8 38.5-50 %
MCV 62L 80-100 fL
MCH 19.6L 27-33 pg
MCHC 31.6L 32-36 g/dl
results may be affected if time lapse btwn specimen drawing and testing is prolonged. Please noe date drawn and received. On the sheet specimen date was 3/12 at 2:01 pm, res date 3/13 12:02 pm
RDW 17H 11-15 %
Platelet count 116L 140-400 thous/mcL
MPV 9.7 7.5-11.5 fL
Total neutrophils, % 55.5 40-75 %
total lymphocytes, % 34.1 15-50 %
monocytes, % 3.7 0-10 %
eosinophils, % 6.3 0-6 %
basophils, % .4 0-2 %
neutrophils, absolute 3441 1500-7800 cells/mcL
lymphocytes, absolute 2114 850-3900 cells/mcL
monocytes, absolute 229 200-950 cells/mcL
eosinophils, absolute 391 15-550 cells/mcL
basophils, absolute 25 0-200 cells/mcL
differential see note
morphological review performed
that's everything, let's hear it