Author Topic: Why Don't Boxers use weights much?  (Read 10544 times)

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Why Don't Boxers use weights much?
« on: July 26, 2017, 02:38:14 pm »
I don't get why they don't spend say, 1/3 of the time building that strength and the rest putting that into speed, power, quickness, accuracy etc?

I see them doing a lot of BW exercises, but don't see them doing weight presses etc. Seems like UFC also like this.

I mean, a OLY sprinter will do cleans, squats, kb swings etc in the weight room and then take it to the track....
33yrs | 24in SVJ | >45% BF | 227LB | 5'9 | 7'5 reach | 400lb max squat paused | 5'8 wingspan | 26in RVJ

Coming back from 2 years of inactivity!

Goal: Maintain 385-405lb squat while cutting down to 165 LB


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Re: Why Don't Boxers use weights much?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2017, 03:05:38 pm »
I don't get why they don't spend say, 1/3 of the time building that strength and the rest putting that into speed, power, quickness, accuracy etc?

I see them doing a lot of BW exercises, but don't see them doing weight presses etc. Seems like UFC also like this.

I mean, a OLY sprinter will do cleans, squats, kb swings etc in the weight room and then take it to the track....

you're generalizing too much. most professional boxer's lift now-days. it's not the type of lifting we're used too, because as vert-broz we are concerned with launching human bodies ~40 inches into the air, that takes a ton of strength. There's absolutely no requirement like that in boxing.. so when they lift, they do simple things like bodyweight exercises, weighted variations of those exercises, curls, punching with light db's, weighted core work, squats, leg press, weighted neck harness, weighted jump rope, training with a weighted vest etc.. Pushing your strength in the weight room can be very draining when it comes to the effect on skill work & these guys don't want to feel sore/inhibited from lifting ... so, if there's not an absolute guarantee that it will translate to being a better boxer, you won't see them focusing too hard on it. Being sharp is very important; these guys drill day in day out, trying to perfect very precise techniques/counters/movements, as well as sparring with live individuals ~1-3x/wk.

regardless, it's not that much of a difference maker.. skills pay the bills in boxing.

if you've ever seen these boxers brag about their training routines, or literally drinking their own urine because they think it'll give them an advantage, and then they get schooled in the ring.. it just makes everyone realize it's all a bunch of nonsense. Skill-work, sparring, running/cardio, are the core elements. Paying too much attention to anything else is just a waste of energy.

there hasn't been a boxer, ever, dominate the game due to incorporating a more advanced lifting routine.. not like you'd see in most olympic events like shotput, javeline, sprinting, running, etc.

i'd say that, if Boxing was a sport with a fixed frequency of fights, ie, a 'season', they'd need to lift more.. just to prevent the body from breaking down. But these guys go through ~8 week training camps to prepare for one fight, then take time off and work back into it.. The formula is pretty solid IMHO.. All of these s&c coaches who have tried to infiltrate boxing, have just been shown to be phony's who are really just PED pushers.
