was looking for an old vid, a vid of me shooting lefty and righty.. couldn't find it, but i found this (so I made it public):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GOkkEodDNoforgot all about that video.. At the time, I didn't like how it came out. but looking back, I finally enjoy it. I was attempting to match up some vivaldi to some freestyle dribbling, which I imagine is crazy difficult.. anyway, I like some of the stuff in there. Also, looking back, that was some serious fun.. it also reminds me of how lucky I am to be alive, doing crap like that alone, in the middle of nowhere, at ~2AM and such at night. I almost paid for it with my life during that "one event".
finally.. I miss my nike zoom waffle racers, so much. I love my NB xc900's or whatever they are, but, still no comparison to NZWR.
i know a few people on here have freestyling vids.. if so, post em!