Author Topic: placement of bar durign squats has alot to do with size?  (Read 3315 times)

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placement of bar durign squats has alot to do with size?
« on: January 16, 2011, 09:32:50 am »
Hey , as the title says, i have come across this article :

Well, I certainly have problem squating, i think i'm doing a high bar squats. Thats because i dont have much muscle on my upper back.

Just imagine a shrot skinny guy with little muscle. the only muscle i can see my self have is a little of this muscle( i guess everyone who never workout has this too when they shrug their shoudlers back)

So basically, is the article correct? cause It sounds good to me, especially the one part where they say size has a lot to do with it.

So if i have little muscle on my upper back, am i suppose to squat high bar?

I'll try to get a photo or vid of my current squat form and where i put the barbell on.

Anyways, my main question, does the bar bell rest on  this muscle( during lwo bar squats, or this muscle(

EDIT: oh yh , i place the bar on my middle fibers, somewhree there, where the bar is liek roughyl on top of the posterior deltoid
. thats high bar if im not wrong? If i tried lwoering the bar summore ,it is kidna uncomfortable and feels liek the bar is gonan drop off my back.

i place the bar like the dude in this pic:

thats all

and chao
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 09:37:28 am by PointerRyan »