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« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2010, 04:59:52 am »
Well that's actually good that it bothers you because, like me, I think you will agree that AC was giving up good advice. I mean the guy wasn't talking silly stuff and he was a pretty nice guy. The photoshopping blew the thing up.

So when you combine these two things in an antithesis... you can't help but feel bad for the whole situation.

ya he was giving out some solid information, that's why it bugs me so much, that he would "claim to want to be the best athlete in the world", then provide so many shady videos yet amazing pictures.. makes no sense.. and no videos of his 50 SVJ / 55 RVJ or other "world records".. another mystery.. but i guess if it's a mystery then it isn't solid, real athletes put up or shut up.. usain bolt don't brag about 9.2's he "hit in training", he goes out, competes, and amazes the entire planet..

i don't want to get into it, but god damn it still blows my mind.


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« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2010, 05:52:40 am »

(You know, like these out of shape clients dad's you run into who claim to have run 4.3x 40's back in high school or college.. well, they've been telling themselves they've run 4.3x for 20+ years, so now they actually believe it)

hahaha every fucking day.  The most common one is "I used to box" yet in their first class they dont which foot to put forward. lol lol lol.  There is so many people like that, they say the same thing over and over until it becomes truth to them.  hahaha soooo true.  This made me lmao because I often wonder if other people who train athletes had to experience this shit as much.  I used to have a huge problem with all the athletes coming in that would claim to run 4.5s and vert 40 and would always call them out immediately.  Now I have them fill out a stat sheet and take it with me to the track when we test.  Its alot easier to tell someone they are completely full of shit and get it to sink in when they have just made a fool out of themselves a few seconds earlier.  I have had probably less than 10 high school football athletes give me their realistic 40 times when they came in, and a few more than 10 college athletes that are honest, most of whom are smart enough by that age to realize "this guys fixing to test me" .    But the majority are waaaay off, some because of their coaches falsifying their own times to them, and some of them because," I jump and run faster than anybody in my school so .... 40 inch vert, 4.3 40yd".   Funny how I have yet to have a guy come in that has underestimated his stats.  Maybe one day, that would be a nice change of pace for me.


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« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2010, 06:16:53 am »

(You know, like these out of shape clients dad's you run into who claim to have run 4.3x 40's back in high school or college.. well, they've been telling themselves they've run 4.3x for 20+ years, so now they actually believe it)

hahaha every fucking day.  The most common one is "I used to box" yet in their first class they dont which foot to put forward. lol lol lol.  There is so many people like that, they say the same thing over and over until it becomes truth to them.  hahaha soooo true.  This made me lmao because I often wonder if other people who train athletes had to experience this shit as much.

ya man it happened to me all the time.. I knew dad's who used to squat 800+ lb in their hayday, fat guys who used to run 4.2's, weaklings who claim 10' broad jumps, all in front of their kids/other athletes.

  I used to have a huge problem with all the athletes coming in that would claim to run 4.5s and vert 40 and would always call them out immediately.  Now I have them fill out a stat sheet and take it with me to the track when we test.  Its alot easier to tell someone they are completely full of shit and get it to sink in when they have just made a fool out of themselves a few seconds earlier.  I have had probably less than 10 high school football athletes give me their realistic 40 times when they came in, and a few more than 10 college athletes that are honest, most of whom are smart enough by that age to realize "this guys fixing to test me" .    But the majority are waaaay off, some because of their coaches falsifying their own times to them, and some of them because," I jump and run faster than anybody in my school so .... 40 inch vert, 4.3 40yd".   Funny how I have yet to have a guy come in that has underestimated his stats.  Maybe one day, that would be a nice change of pace for me.

that's a good point right there.. for people i've trained in person, I can only think of 3 or so who gave me their legit stats right off the bat, and these 3 were some of the hardest workers too.. that's why i tell everyone on these forums not to lie to themselves or about their stats, it does something to your brain that inhibits you from making real gains.

I think athletes would make even more gains if you really ruined there stats on pre testing and made them feel inferior haha.. imagine a legit 4.2x 40 kid being told he runs a 4.6x by multiple coaches / facilities.. he'd probably run a 4.0x 40 in a few weeks off shear anger..

When athletes think they are better than they are, then it tricks the brain into actually making less gains, is my theory.. No need to tap into training at a very high emotional/mental level when you "think you are good/better than you are".. something to it.



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« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2010, 11:10:26 am »
shit is so confusing man i agree.. possibly more confusing than Alan Barch Jr aka SquatDr.

I saw a few Alan Barch Jr.'s videos few weeks ago.  What's the story with him?  I searched for his name as well as squatdr but the results is short.  Is he legit?  What's so confusing about him?

current stats: age: 42 :: 5'11" (180cm) :: 180lbs (82kg) bf ~30% :: reach: 90" or 7'6" (230cm) :: wing span: 6" (183cm)
12 week goal(current): SQ 115kg(100), DL 130kg(110), BP 80kg(70), reduce weight to 75kg (165 lbs) and bf to ~25%
status: excellent cardio condition, new 5x5 program, 10' rim touch okay, RVJ ~30"
PR RVJ ~34" 10'5" touch @ age ~25 (worst was ~6" below rim when i was @ 190 lbs ~35% body fat ~23" RVJ in 2007-8


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« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2010, 02:15:14 pm »
Well, he's a scammer. Despite that, he actually knows stuff and it's a good guy to talk to.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2010, 03:46:01 pm »
shit is so confusing man i agree.. possibly more confusing than Alan Barch Jr aka SquatDr.

I saw a few Alan Barch Jr.'s videos few weeks ago.  What's the story with him?  I searched for his name as well as squatdr but the results is short.  Is he legit?  What's so confusing about him?

Well, he made lots of claims and refused to provide videos, so he'd get pissy/angry when people requested vids, so finally I made this thread just to shed light on my perspective of what he might be doing:

He claimed people came out to officially test him on those AMAZING 55" RVJ pictures, and they even took video.. but where is it? why won't those people come out and defend him? Plus all of the other crap in that post, he just can't be real... Like I said, I would publicly apologize on youtube if he showed legit proof of his ability, i'd genuinely feel very bad if I was wrong, even though it would be very much his fault for just being so weird about posting proof.

Bottom line, when you claim world records (squat, vert, running vert, and a damn good 60m sprint) & you try to influence people like he did, you need legitimate video or you get called out.

peace man


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« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2010, 05:50:20 pm »
  The funny thing about that to me is that it was a shock to people when they realized how wack those claims were.  You should probably de bunk the tooth fairy and santa claus next.


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« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2010, 06:20:54 pm »
  The funny thing about that to me is that it was a shock to people when they realized how wack those claims were.  You should probably de bunk the tooth fairy and santa claus next.

ya exactly.. i don't understand how anyone could buy into those claims, man that's some weird shit..