Christian Thibaudeau: LAYER SYSTEM PART 1: RAMP TO MAX: This first layer is all about activating the nervous system, increasing fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment and building the capacity to showcase strength. You basically ramp up gradually toward your max for the day. Start at about 40-50% and add 10-20lbs per set until you hit your max. Perform sets of 3 for the first 2-3 sets then switch to singles to reduce fatigue. We want about 6-9 ramping sets including 3-4 heavy ones (above 90%).
Today 14:47
Christian Thibaudeau: LAYER SYSTEM PART 2: CLUSTERS: Clusters develop the capacity to recruit AND stimulate more FT fibers. It is a very powerful method to increase size, strength and density (giving the muscles a harder look). You use 90% of the weight you reached in your ramp. One set has several reps (3-7) performed 10 seconds of rest between them. You rest the bar on every rep, which is why it's best to start from pins or a deadstart. You stop the cluster set when you cannot perform more reps. You do 3 sets.
Christian Thibaudeau: LAYER SYSTEM PART 3: HEAVY DENSITY LIFTING: This is the most effective way to stimulate as many fibers to grow as possible, especially now that the nervous system is "on". Each set is as follow: 5 reps/rest 10-15 sec/4 reps/rest 10-15 sec/3 reps/rest 10-15 sec/2 reps/rest 10-15 sec/1 rep... if you were able to get more than 17 total cluster reps over 3 sets, instead of 5-4-3-2-1 for HDL you do 4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1... you start with 65-70% and ideally would eventually be able to use 80%. Do 3 sets.
Christian Thibaudeau: LAYER SYSTEM PART 4: MAX PUMP: This is an optional layer. The layer system is perfectly effective with just the first 3. But if you are using a powerful recovery agent like PLAZMA and want to take the pump to another level (driving more nutrients to the muscles) you can add the pump layer: One set is: hold the weight in mid range (peak for pulls) 5 sec./do 5 reps/hold 4 sec/do 4 reps/hold 3 sec./do 3 reps/hold 2 sec/do 2 reps/hold 1 sec/do 1 rep...
Christian Thibaudeau: MAX PUMP (2): There is no pause during a max pump set (the "pause" is during the isometric hold... which is actually the hardest part!). Use 40-50% of the ramped max and perform 2-3 sets.
Today 14:30
Christian Thibaudeau: BONUS WORK WITH THE MAX RAMP/CLUSTER/HDL LAYER: I mentioned it in the past: If I want to do more volume I add a max pump layer after the HDL... for the max pump layer you: hold the weight in mid range (peak for pulls) 5 sec./do 5 reps/hold 4 sec/do 4 reps/hold 3 sec./do 3 reps/hold 2 sec/do 2 reps/hold 1 sec/do 1 rep... there is no pause during all that like with the HDL. I use 40-50% of the ramped up max and do 2-3 sets.
Christian Thibaudeau: BONUS WORK WITH ... (2): If I add a secondary exercise it is an explosive one (speed on a pumped muscle)... could be power snatches (with high pulls), push jerks/press (with pressing), med ball throws (with pressing), KB jump squats, etc.
Christian Thibaudeau: BONUS WORK WITH ... (3) Very very rarely do I do an actual secondary lift as in "normal lifting work".... if you do the 3 basic layers then the max pump layer there is no way the involved muscles need or can benefit from more work. Every single fiber will have been stimulated, max growht factor release will be accomplished and so will the activation of the ERK pathway. And your muscles will be filled with nutrients. More would just create more fatigue.