I inadvertantly tested some theory from this article. I slept for only 3 hours today, after being on a schedule of 9+ hours every day for the past couple of weeks. I didn't bother to go to sleep until 5am (

) and only managed to sleep until 8am. I woke up feeling suprisingly refreshed, and ended up having a great session, PRing in every lift I attemped.
The session went like this, bold indicates a PR:
Drop Step Vert
30" Tie PR
31" 31.5"30"
31.5"Psyched about this!
Bar x 10 (44 lbs)
40 x 5 (88 lbs)
60 x 5 (132 lbs)
70 x 3 (154 lbs)
80 x 3 (176 lbs)
All nice deep, clean and easy reps. Good light day.
No ISOs todays as Wednesday is now a recovery day for squatting.
Dumbbell Row
20 x 8 (44 lbs)
32.5 x 5 (71.5 lbs)
45 x 7 (99 lbs)Dips
BW x 6
+20 x 5 (44 lbs)Dumbbell Curls (I figured my bicep strength was holding back my chinning progress)
10 x 6 (22 lbs)
14 x 8 (30.8 lbs)