Stubborn fat for women isn't abdominal .. it's thighs and hips.. but yeah. women who train will often have a sixpac way before they have lean butt/thighs/hips. src: instagrams
Nobody is objecting to that distribution.
Actually Dreyth was saying abdominal fat is troublesome for women but their body will burn that off preferentially so there's no point even trying to spot reduce because fat will come off there easily/immediately. Blood flow is good there compared to hips/thighs etc. But women shudnt even store fat there in the first place.. it takes a lot of bad eating, lack of activity and drinking alcohol to accumulate fat there :/
Anecdotally .. i found if i start playing bball regularly after a layoff, my body does use stomach bodyfat preferentially even if i'm not consciously dieting. just my experience, not sure why that happens.